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01/01/2021 - 08/01/2021

Intelligent Backup Power 1.0

In this cross-functional project, I worked independently on the FordPass APP part and delivered a user experience rated as 4.8 (out of 5.0). This project is now live with the new Ford F-150 Lighting.

Client: Ford Motor Company

Team: FordPass

My Role: User Experience Designer


  • Design hand off

  • Usability test


The electrification of the F-150, Ford's pickup truck, is an important step in Ford's electrification strategy. On the 2022 all-electric F-150 Lightning, Intelligent Backup Power (IBP) is one of its core selling points. Its function is to be able to use the in-vehicle battery to power a residence in the event of a power outage. The IBP also highlights the core benefits of electric vehicles (BEVs) over fuel vehicles (ICEs) from a strategic perspective.

Persona & Empathy Mapping

Due to confidential reasons, the information below will not be the exact persona used in Ford Motor Company. 


Michael is a Ford F-150 owner in his early 40s and works as a construction project manager. He is married and has two young children.


Michael values reliability, safety and practicality, which is why he chose the Ford F-150 as his vehicle. He is not a tech-savvy person and tends to be cautious when embracing new technology, but he is willing to explore solutions that can improve the well-being and safety of his family.

In 2021, Texas was hit by an unprecedented snowstorm that caused widespread power outages and left millions of residents without power or heat for days. During this crisis, some Ford F-150 owners used the vehicle's Pro Power Onboard (PPO) feature to power their appliances, allowing them to keep their lights on, run essential appliances and stay warm in frigid temperatures. This real-world example not only demonstrates the practicality and reliability of the Ford F-150, but also highlights the potential market demand for features such as Smart Backup Power, which can further enhance a vehicle's ability to support its owner during an emergency or power outage.

IBP takes the functionality of PPO a step further by upgrading from powering appliances to powering an entire house. This is not only a solution to the pain point of powering the user's home during a power outage, but more importantly, it makes them feel good value for money, enhances their sense of self-efficacy, empowers them and satisfies their need for confident control.

Empathy Mapping

I always think about my family's safety and well-being, and how I can balance my work and personal life.


I feel responsible for my family and take pride in providing a comfortable, secure environment for them.


I come across information about outdoor activities, trucks, and home improvement through various media channels.


I enjoy spending quality time with my family, while also staying prepared for emergencies.


By doing an empathy mapping exercise, we found that Intelligent Backup Power is well-aligned with Michael's priorities, providing a reliable and practical solution tailored to his lifestyle. As a construction project manager, Michael values efficiency and dependability, and this feature ensures he can keep his family and home powered during unexpected events, like the 2021 Texas snowstorm. Moreover, since Michael is cautious when adopting new technology, the user-friendly and reliable nature of Intelligent Backup Power allows him to enjoy its benefits without feeling overwhelmed or questioning its dependability. In essence, this feature meets Michael's desire for a reliable power source that offers peace of mind, making it an ideal choice for him.

Product Design
Omni Channel Experience

The Intelligent Backup Power experience is designed as an omnichannel journey, encompassing FordPass native app, Charge Station Setup app, Ford SYNC screen, and web platforms. The complete experience consists of two primary parts: system configuration and power transfer experience.


System configuration involves multiple processes, which can take several days to complete. During this stage, users may feel overwhelmed with the complexity and time-consuming nature of setting up the system.

Power Transfer

The power transfer experience has three stages: pre-transfer, during transfer, and post-transfer. In the pre-transfer stage, users might be concerned about the reliability and efficiency of the power transfer. During the transfer stage, users may face challenges in monitoring the progress and managing the transfer process efficiently. Lastly, in the post-transfer stage, users may have difficulties understanding the usage data and determining the overall effectiveness of the Intelligent Backup Power system.

Design Principles

The app should prioritize a clean and intuitive interface that Michael can easily understand and navigate, without overwhelming him with complex technical details. This principle aligns with his cautious approach to new technology and his desire for a hassle-free experience.


Trustworthy reliability: As Michael values the safety and well-being of his family, the app should emphasize the system's reliability and security. Visual cues, notifications, and easy access to support resources will reassure him that the Intelligent Backup Power feature is dependable and safe to use.


Customizable adaptability: To cater to Michael's individual needs and preferences, the app should offer personalization options for settings and preferences. By allowing Michael to tailor the app to his specific requirements, it becomes more aligned with his values of self-sufficiency and independence.

Phase 1

System Configuration

Process & Scenarios

The process of configuring IBP is relatively complex and involves the following steps:

  1. installing a Ford Charge Station Pro and configuring it with a phone application

  2. Install an inverter and obtain a permit to operate it.

  3. Receive the Lighting Truck and pair it with the Ford Charge Station Pro. 

User Pain-points

  1. Michael wants to make sure the initial setup is easy and efficient

  2. He may be concerned about the reliability of the system

  3. As a cautious adopter of technology, Michael needs clear instructions and guidance throughout the configuration process to feel confident in his ability to manage the Intelligent Backup Power system

Design Solution

A checklist was designed to ease the anxiety of having too many individual steps to take at this stage.

Before the user completes the system configuration, FordPass checks the configuration status in real-time every time the user enters the IBP function. FordPass informs the user of the current status, where he or she is in the entire configuration process, what actions are required before and after, and the main actions to be taken right now, and provides buttons to connect to other channels as deep links. By controlling the information displayed for each step, the user is not confused, overwhelmed, and frustrated by too many actions and overly complicated steps.

Phase 2


Process & Scenarios

The pre-transfer experience begins when the Ford Charge Station Pro detects a power outage. The user's decision when notified of a power outage may be very different based on their current geolocation, vehicle charge level, etc. So we listed all the possibilities and determined what the primary CTAs should be.

User Pain-points

  1. Michael wants to be notified or alerted when a power outage occurs and to know the status of the grid in real time so that he can prepare his family and ensure their safety

  2. He wants to make sure his vehicle's charge level is sufficient to support his family's use until the outage ends

  3. If Michael's vehicle does not have enough charge, he may need to check for available charging stations nearby in order to bring enough charge home

Design Solution

We had some smart logic to anticipate the user's best move based on the situation. If the vehicle is not at home, we promote the Find Nearby Charge Stations action so they can charge more before heading home. But if the GPS shows the vehicle is at home but not plugged in during a power outage, we suggest the user plug in the vehicle so they can use the vehicle to power their home. 

The user can also check the availability of nearby charging stations in real time to determine how much power to reserve in the vehicle. 

Phase 3

During Transfer

Process & Scenarios

During the power transfer, the user may have mixed feelings. On the one hand, they are proud moms and dads keeping the family warm and bright during a power outage. On the other hand, they may worry about how long the power outage will last and whether their F-150 will last that long. 

User Pain-points

  1. Michael wants to monitor the power usage in real-time to ensure his family remains safe and warm without depleting the vehicle's battery entirely

  2. He needs an easy way to adjust power allocation between his home and vehicle, in case he needs to conserve power for an extended outage

  3. Michael values clear communication from the app, informing him of any issues or concerns that may arise during the power transfer, so he can address them promptly

A floating status bar on the home page shows the status of the transfer once it has started. In the initial design, the status bar information included the estimated duration of the transfer, which was later removed for performance reasons.

The Power Transfer Details page provides real-time information such as current power consumption, power consumed, power transfer duration, and estimated remaining power transfer time. Allow users to change the reserved power value in real time with a shortcut.

If the power transfer stops due to an error, FordPass pushes a notification to inform the user of the known error and its cause, and deep links the user to the solution page. If the power transfer stops due to a charging station error, the charging station Web APP allows the user to view the details and follow the prompts to restart or reconnect.

Phase 4


Process & Scenarios

The transition between IBP and grids is so seamless that the user hardly notices the difference. 

User Pain-points

  1. Michaels is concerned about whether IBP will continue to draw power from his vehicle when the power is restored

  2. He would like to know how much power was used during the outage so that he can clearly see the value of this feature

Design Solution

After power is restored to the grid, FordPass pushes a notification to the user that the power transfer has stopped. It also deep links the user to the log page for that power transfer, giving the user detailed information about this power transfer event.

User Feedback

"It directed my to where I had to go. It was very easy to understand and very beginner friendly. "

Participant 7, Man, 40 yrs old

Learning Objectives
  1. In the final design phase, I designed and conducted a user study for the usability of the IBP. The study was supported by UEGroup, a Ford supplier.

  2. The objectives of the study were mainly to:

  3. Test the usability and ease of use of the IBP user interface

  4. Test user attitudes towards some of the design features (e.g., the check function at the system configuration stage)

  5. Identify the next steps for optimization


The user study was an Unmoderated Usability Test (UUT). The test was divided into 6 tasks, listing 6 usage scenarios and asking users to bring in a series of actions they need to perform when using the IBP. If the user is able to complete the operation successfully, the usability is considered higher, and if not, the usability is low. Each task was followed by a series of questions asking users about their attitudes toward the functionality in that scenario. I also used all of UEGroup's youXscore as an ease-of-use score.

As a result, almost all users were able to complete the tasks successfully, and most of them showed very positive attitudes towards the product design. The overall user experience rating of IBP was 4.8 out of 5.0.

Next Steps

Following the successful handoff of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and its launch, our upcoming initiatives are divided into two primary areas:

Refinement and enhancement: We continued to iterate on the current MVP. Utilizing Adobe Amplitude to tag events, we are able to incorporate user feedback and analytics to optimize the product, ensuring it effectively addresses user needs and expectations.

Expansion and growth: Simultaneously, we embarked on research to extend the product's features and capabilities in alignment with Ford's long-term business vision. I conducted benchmarking and analogous research to inspire the team, gathering insights from industry leaders and innovative solutions to guide our efforts in delivering a comprehensive, market-leading product.

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